Friday, April 11, 2008

runyam untuk kesekian kalinya

simplicity means beauty

for ive seen many of my friends having too much on their own
and it means nothing but annoying too see

>>yahhhh... cuma sedikit keluh kesah mata gwa yagng ga bisa ngeliat sesuatu yang gimaaaannnnnaaaaaaaa gitu>>

****P O E T R Y***
in the blowing wind
i give you my kiss
u'll know it as you freeze
suddenly feel a miss
in the roaring thunder
i give you my passion
u'll know it as you slip
beneath the cushion
barely hear my frustration
in the glossy sky
i give you my faith
u'll know it despite your hate
slowly you'll see me delicate
i love you by the spring
comes and gone
i love you by the sun rise and set
i love you all the time...
in the night
and sight
i love you in this all
yaelaaaaa..... rasanya gwa udah kayak orang tua aja. bawaannya pengen denger lagu2 mellow yang nenangin hati. nggak jaman2 brutal dulu yang maunya RIBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTT mulu. >>kekkekekekekekkekek.... mengakui >> jadi critanyee gwa lagi nyari teks lagu de kors yang jadulnya astaghfirulloh itu. tapi kaga adeeeeee.................. ouchhhhhhhh kecewa benge nichhhhhhhh
mendua oh menduaa...........

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