Friday, July 28, 2006


life GOES on. and somehow i still caught in the "dunno-whattodo" person.
udah naek klas 3! tapi tetep badung gak keruan getho. at least, now im taking a course for a better education of mine to the next 2007-SPMB. FIGHT MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

huoyyyyyy all the boys on this earth.. woy pada ke mana sih klo lagi dibutuhin???? nyebelin buanget bawaannya. i often think about the "always-on-my-mind" question => pacaran itu rasanya gimana ya??? yah, namanya juga 'miss single'. kadang-kadang terlintas keinginan untuk memilikis pacar. tapi sering juga muncul pikiran"pacaran itu wasting". au ah gelep. tapi tapi tapi tapi.............. pussy cat in the house aja dah melahirkan >>woooy.................... never forget to make difference between HUMAN and ANIMAL!>>

i have an offer of writing competition from my teacher in the school. writing??? i always have a BIG interest in WRITING. dunno why, but i.. i just feel MORE comfortable to express myself trough my write. it seems easier. that's why im not talkin much >>not talkin MUCH?? isnt it a BIG LIE??>> but for me myself, writing is FUN cuz sumtimes there are things "NOT-ENOUGH-through-A-TALK".

ye ye yeahhhh....
"to write is to be who i am"

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